Our most popular menu item.
Our most popular menu item.
A place where you can go to relax with family and friends. The subtle aroma of fresh baking gently draw you through the doors. People comment on the atmosphere and how friendly the staff and the customers are. If you don't know someone coming through the door you will by the time you leave. It is truly a great place to gather for conversation and a breakfast or lunch.
(SAN-DEE-NEES) We mulled over many names for our business and were getting very discouraged. One day our daughter in-law said what about Sandeannie's? It's a combination of our names: Alexander who everyone calls Sandy and Bernadine who everyone calls Deannie. Put them together you have Sandeannie’s! (San-Dee-Nees) It seemed a perfect fit and we always get comments and questions about the name.